We get this question a lot.

We want to put your mind at ease on this. We will not contact your clients either by email or phone. Any information that you share with us is confidential.

We need the transaction details because;

  1. We internally verify each and every review. We verify that it is a genuine review and that it is accurate. We do this to insure the integrity of ReachFactor and you as an agent. ReachFactor must be a tool that the public can trust. We do not allow fake, bogus, or inflated reviews. There a some agents that will write fake reviews so that they can look better than they actually are. Other agents write fake reviews to boost their sales. 
  2. Verifying reviews also preserves your integrity. As a Real Estate agent, or broker, your reputation is everything. We do everything that we can to insure that your integrity is preserved. This includes verifying the accuracy of reviews. In order to verify reviews, we must have transaction details like the clients phone number, email address, the date of the transaction etc...
  3. When a review is posted to your profile, it will contain the property address, and if the transaction was a buy or sell. If we verified the review, it will also have a verification emblem. This gives your customers a sense of trust that the review is genuine and accurate. If there was no address of the property, the review would seem less real.

The review that is posted on your profile will not contain your clients personal contact information!